

History Of Medicine Club
Few students of Mymensingh Medical College thought that it is wiser to spend the very little leisure time that a medical students can afford in more academic way then the general students does, playing cards or gossiping or involve in political parties. So they chalked out a blue print of an academic & non-political organization where medical students of different & brighter future. They launched a meeting in the library room of Mymensingh Medical College. That is how Medicine Club started its journey with only 32 members from 31 January 1981.

Medicine Club was started as an academic organization. But very soon, the members of this organization observed that there were many patients in hospital, who were too poor to buy their necessary drugs, operation instrument & unable to collect blood for their better treatment. Observing these situation Medicine Club executives formed ‘Patient Welfare Project’ to help those poor patients. This PWP conducts all the social welfare activities of this club. This is how Medicine Club became an academic cu social organization from 10 January 1984.

Academic activities of Medicine Club are limited to the medical students. But social welfare activities of Medicine Club are provided for all. Although officially started in 1984, the social welfare activities started from 1983 & spread in 1987. In this year Medicine Club started voluntary blood donation programme & health check-up programme. Free drug distribution to the poor patient also increased.

Concept of Medicine Club was confined to Mymensingh Medical College for several years. It was also in 1987 when we started to spread our concept to other medical college. The first attempt took place in Rajshahi Medical College. But we were successful for the first time at Sir Salimullah Medical College in 1990. Also spread at Barishal Sher-E-Bangla Medical College & Sylhet Osmani Medical College in 1992. The 1st central conference of Medicine Club was held in 1992 at Mymensingh Medical College. Three active units (MMC unit, SSMC unit, SBMC unit) took part in that conference.

SBMC unit arranged 2nd conference in October 1996 at Barishal. The same three units were the participants. At the end of year 1996 some new units were installed. These are RMC unit, CoMC unit, BMC unit. 3rd central conference was arranged by MMC unit in November 1997. Six active units named BMC, CoMC, MMC, RMC, SBMC and SSMC were present.

Faridpur Medical College was included in Medical College family in 1998. At the end of same year Khulna Medical College unit started its journey. 4th central conference was held in 1999 at Comilla Medical College. There were six participants. These were BMC, CoMC, FMC, RMC, MMC, SBMC units. Dinajpur Medical College unit brought into view in August 1999, Rangpur Medical College unit & Bogra Medical College unit started in January 2000. In the meantime Pioneer Dental College unit & Gonosastho Samaj Vittik Medical College unit had started the noble activities of Medicine Club. In recent time some new Medical College are added to our Family. These are Central Medical College unit, Shaheed Suhrawardi Medical College unit, Noakhali Medical College unit, Cox’s bazar Medical College unit, Dhaka Medical College unit. Though they are very new member in our family but their activities are huge in contrast of any other old units.
And, Now we are a family of 32 Units (Including the convening units)

‘Medicine Club’ being established in 1981 is an accomplished organization now. Now it is prepared to face the reality of 21st century.